
Live Love Together

Current Series

The Sermon on the Mount is one of Jesus' most powerful teachings, revealing a vision of God's kingdom that turns the world’s values—and even deeply held spiritual assumptions—upside down. Through this series, The Upside Down Kingdom, we will explore how Jesus challenged conventional ideas about blessing, influence, righteousness, spirituality, and relationships. His words confronted not only the cultural norms of power, wealth, and status but also exposed how even religious practices could miss the heart of God’s kingdom. The Beatitudes, for example, elevate the poor in spirit, the meek, and the persecuted—those whom the world often overlooks—as truly blessed. Throughout this teaching, Jesus reframes the expectations of what it means to live a life aligned with God’s will.
Jesus' frequent phrase, "You have heard that it was said... but I say to you," underscores how He redefined righteousness and spirituality. He calls His followers to a deeper, truer kind of holiness—not merely in external actions but in the attitudes of the heart. Whether discussing anger, lust, forgiveness, or generosity, Jesus pierces through superficial religiosity to reveal a kingdom where humility, mercy, and genuine love reign. As we journey through these teachings leading up to Easter, we will see how Jesus not only articulated this upside-down way of living but also embodied it through His life, death, and resurrection—ultimately fulfilling the kingdom He proclaimed.

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