Like A Child

“I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.” Mark 10:15

This month in Faith City, we’re learning about Jesus’ love for children! In preparing the curriculum for Faith City Bible Class, I am probably learning even more than the kids.

Each time I tackle a subject that I’ve heard a hundred times before, I find something new, something deeper. It has been such a wonderful awakening, to find new meaning in these stories. When I begin a new topic, I always start by reading what the Bible has to say about the subject. I examine cultural context, context within the passage, language, translation, and then, often, I turn to various biblical scholars and hear their unique takes on the verses. I confess I didn’t expect this verse to speak to me the way it did. Perhaps, it will speak to you as well.

What does it mean to receive the Kingdom of God like a child? I’ve always believed this verse means we must accept this gift gratefully and without guilt or a feeling that we don’t deserve it. Children don’t wonder if they’ve done enough to earn a gift, they simply accept it. While I still find this same meaning in these words, I wonder if there is more.

How does a child receive a gift? A child receives a gift with great joy and anticipation. They can’t wait to open it. Often, at birthday parties, you’ll see a little one tear off the wrapping paper and then insist on ripping open plastic, cutting zip ties, and removing impossibly difficult packaging while the parent begs them to wait and continue opening their other presents. The child isn’t just excited because they’ve been given a gift, they want to play with it, RIGHT NOW. They want to show all of their friends, not just tell them about it. A child will carry that gift with them everywhere they go and play with it constantly, showing anyone who will look.

Is this how we are to receive the gift of the Kingdom of God? It seems that it is much easier to say thank you, put the gift up on the shelf, and think of it when times get tough. Perhaps we even tell others about it when we have the chance. Instead, shouldn’t we be tearing off the wrapping and playing with it? Consider what happens when one child tells another about their gift. The second child might be interested, but likely will listen for a few minutes and go on with their day. But, consider what happens when that first child shows the gift to the second child. What happens when the second child sees the first child playing with that gift, with all of its shiny parts and exciting pieces? That kid is going to nag their parents to death to get them that toy!

How much more impactful is it when we are actively showing the Kingdom of God to others, rather than just telling them about it? We are using that gift when we stand up for what is right, we show it in the causes we support, the ways we actively serve others, the things we post on social media, the things on which we place value, the way we live our lives.

Lately, the world seems especially dark and hateful. It is easy for us to take comfort in the eternal gift of life in heaven, and to remain uninvolved in the turmoil happening here right now. What if we took the gift of grace and love that God has given us and used it right now? What if we became actively involved in spreading love, ending hate, sharing goodness and kindness with reckless abandon right now? Would that make people want to find out where they can get the gift we have? Would people be more likely towant to join us?

What a magnificent gift we have. Instead of just talking about it, let’s play with it right now, in front of everyone. Let’s invite others to play with us. Let’s not put it on a shelf and use it only to bring us quiet comfort in a restless world, while doing nothing for others.

By Brooke Whitlow


We Are Being Formed


What Heaven Looks Like